
Thursday 15 January 2015


Syllabus completed from 5.1.2015 to 9.1.2015

*Literacy -   Introduction of alphabet” Tt”
 Repetition Of Alphabet: “ Aa – Ss”
       Phonetics of ‘Aa’ to “Tt”
*Numeracy - Recitation : 1 – 20                 
*Kitchen & Shopping – making sandwich.  
*Art & Craft – Palm printing ( Activity book Pg 18)
*Sandy – Free play.
*I.C.T –   Watching  Rhymes.
*Play – Outdoor: sports practice…(brisk walking & cap race).
*Dance & Music – Free dance
*G.K. -  Good manners,
* Rhymes – Bits of paper and kite kite

Bits of paper…
Bits of paper bits of paper
Lying on the ground,
Make the place untidy (2)
Pick them up(2)

Kite kite
Kite kite flying so high
They seem to reach the sky
Red and blue and big ones too
Pretty kite, I like flying you.

                                                         JUNIOR K.G.

*Literacy -   I can read : Pgs 69-71 (‘ad’, ‘ag’ words)
       Note book: ‘ad’, ‘ag’ words
*Numeracy – Marvel book : Pgs 98-100 /  Note Book:- Inorder 1-40
                     Recitation: 1-100  and number, one ,& two.                   
*Kitchen & Shopping –making sandwich.   .   
*Art & Craft – Palm printing group activity for kite making.
*Sandy – free play
*I.C.T. – Watching Rhyme on Tab
*Play – Sports practice: Hopping Race & Running Race
*Dance & Music - Free Dance Style
*EVS – Me and my world – Places Around  us.. Pgs-133-138
Rhyme: “The Cat”…

Here is a little cat,
Looking fine and fat,
Sitting on a mat,
Playing with a hat,
Give the cat a pat,
She will be pleased with that…

*Literacy - Reading:- I Can Read Pages 40 “oi”.
                 Cursice Pgs 2-36, 38,39
                 Note book – oi /ow words           
*Numeracy -  Note Book : concept of bigger/smaller numbers
         Marvel book- Number Names 44-50 (Pgs- 155- 163)
                     Orals – 101-150     
*Kitchen & Shopping – making sandwich
*Sandy – Free play in sand.                                                                                              
*I.C.T. Watching story on tab..
* Art & Craft- Palm printing on kite activity
*Dance & Music – dance practice.
*EVS -  “Places around  us” Pgs. – 127-135.

  *Rhymes –“The Kite”…
Oh ! look at my kite,
Almost out of sight
How pretty it flies,
Right up to the skies,
Pretty kite, pretty kite,
Almost out of sight,
Pray, what do you spy,
In the bright new sky….



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