
Sunday 1 February 2015

9 kids

Syllabus completed from 26.1.2015 to 30.1.2015

*Literacy -   Introduction of alphabet” Ww ”
Repetition Of Alphabet: “ Aa – Vv” 
       Phonetics of ‘Aa’ to “Ww”
*Numeracy - Recitation : 1 – 30                 
*Kitchen & Shopping – -  
*Art & Craft –  Activity book Pg 19 & 41

*Sandy – Free play.
*I.C.T –   Watching  Rhymes.
*Play – Outdoor: sports Day.
*Dance & Music – Free dance
*G.K. -  Good manners,
* Rhymes – Early to bed.
Early to bed
And Early to rise,
Makes a man
Healthy wealthy and wise.
                                                         JUNIOR K.G.

*Literacy -   I can read : Pgs 78 ( ‘ap’ words)
       Note book:  ‘at’ words
*Numeracy – Marvel book : Pgs 111-115,( no. names Five and Six )
         Note Book:- number name –four, five, six
                     Recitation: 1-100  and number to six.                   
*Kitchen & Shopping –.   
*Art & Craft – -
*Sandy – free play
*I.C.T. – Watching animals on smart
*Play – Sports Day
*Dance & Music - Free Dance Style
*EVS – Me and my world – ..
            Sports and Games
Q.1.  Name some sport activities?
A.1.  Cricket, Football, Badminton, Basket ball….
Q.2.  How many players are there I cricket?
A.2.  There are 11 players in cricket.
Q.3.  Which sport has a goalkeeper?
A.3.  Football.
Q.4.  What is Badminton?
A.4.  Its a game of Racket and Shuttle cock.
Q.5.  Why are games played?
A.5.  For fun and exercise.
Q.6.  Name some indoor games?
A.6.  Board games, card game, computer games….
Q.7.  Name some outdoor games?
A.7.  Frisbee, hide and seek, dodge ball, catch- catch, dog and the bone.

Rhyme: “The Cat”…

Here is a little cat,
Looking fine and fat,
Sitting on a mat,
Playing with a hat,
Give the cat a pat,
She will be pleased with that…

*Literacy - Reading:- I Can Read Pages 49 “ue”words.
                 Written:-“ue”words/ Myself ( three sentences)
                 Cursive :- - 
*Numeracy -  Note Book : Number names randomly(1-50) and < > =
         Marvel book- Number Names  (Pgs- 166-169)
                     Orals – 101-150     
*Kitchen & Shopping – 
*Sandy – Free play in sand.                                                                                              
*I.C.T. < > = on tab..
* Art & Craft- -
*Dance & Music – dance practice.
*EVS -   Animals

  *Rhymes –“little parrots”…
One little parrot
Singing I love you,
One more joins in
Making them two.

Two little parrots,
Sting on a tree,
One more joins in
Making them three.

Three little parrots,
Looking for more,
One more joins in
Making them four.

Four little parrots
Wanting to dive
One more joins in
Making them five.



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