
Friday 6 March 2015


Syllabus completed from 2.2.2015 to 28.2.2015

*Literacy -   Introduction of alphabet” Yy,Zz”
Repetition Of Alphabet: “ Aa-Zz” 
       Phonetics of ‘Aa’ to “Zz”
       Patterns : circle, half circle
        Language command; pull and push
*Numeracy - Recitation : 1 – 30                 
                      Revision of shapes – circle, square, rectangle, star and triangle.      
*Kitchen & Shopping – -  
*Art & Craft – Making of cards

*Sandy – Free play.
*I.C.T –   Puzzles on tabs .
*Play – Outdoor: passing the ball.
*Dance & Music – Free dance
*G.K. -  Days of the week.
* Rhymes –Repetition of all rhymes.
                             JUNIOR K.G.

*Literacy -   I can read : Pgs 79 to 103 (‘ed, eg, en, et, iig, ip, it, ix’ words)
       Note book:  ‘ed to ix’ words
*Numeracy – Marvel book : Pgs 116-130,( no. names Seven to Ten )
         Note Book:- number name –Seven to Ten. And in order zero to Ten.
                     Recitation: 1-100  and number to Ten.                   
*Kitchen & Shopping –  .   
*Art & Craft – Sand Print, Making of cards, Drawing book pg.20.
*Sandy – free play
*I.C.T. – Watching animals on smart board.
*Play – Free Play.
*Dance & Music - Free Dance Style.
*EVS – Me and my world – ..
            Animal World pgs. – 18 to 56.
Q.1.  Name some pet animals?
A.1.  Cat, Dog, Rabbit and Fish….
Q.2.  What does rabbit eat?
A.2.  Rabbits eats carrot.
Q.3.  What does parrots like?
A.3.  Chilie.
Q.4.  Who eats cheese?
A.4.  Mice eats cheese..
Q.5.  Name some farm animals?
A.5.  Cow, Goat, Buffalo, Horse, Sheep, Pig, Donkey, Camel.
Q.6.  Which animals live in stables?
A.6.  Horses, Camels and Donkeys.
Q.7.  Where do hens live?
A.7.  Hens live in a coop.
Q.8.  Who gives us milk?
A.8.  Cow, Goat, Buffalo.
Q.9. Who gives us wool?
A.9.  Sheep gives us wool.
Q10. Which animals carry load on their bags?
A10. Camel and Donkey.
Q11. Name some wild animals?
A11.  Lion, Tiger, Zebra, Elephant, Monkey, Giraffe, Snake, Kangaroo.
Q12. What is young ones of Leopard and Panda called?
A12. Cub.
Q13. What are young ones of hippopotamus and Elephant called?\
A14. Calf.
Q15. Which animals eat grass and plants?
A15.  Elephant, Kangaroo, Giraffe.
Q16. Which animals eat other animals?
A16.  Lion, Tiger, Bear, Leopard.
Q17. Name some animals which live only inside the water?
A17. Whale, Octopus, Jelly fish, Dolphin.
Q18. Name some animals that live in water as well as on land?
A18. Crocodile, Turtle, Alligator, Frog and Crab.
Rhyme: Repetition of all rhymes.



*Literacy - Reading:- I Can Read Pages 50-58.
                 Written:- Myself, Yes and No question-answers
*Numeracy -  Note Book : Number names randomly(1-50), Addition, Subtraction, Days of the week,             Months of the year.
Marvel book- Number Names  (Pgs-170,171,178,179,180)
Orals – 1-250     
*Kitchen & Shopping – 
*Sandy – Free play in sand.                                                                                              
*I.C.T. Addition, Subtraction on tab..
* Art & Craft- - Sand print, Making of cards, Coloring pg.10.
*Dance & Music – Pre dance.
*EVS -   Animals pgs. 137 to 164.
Q.1. Animals giving birth to young ones are called?
A.1. Mammals.
Q.2 How does a fish breath?
A.2. A fish breaths with the help of its gills.
Q.3. What are reptiles?
A.3. Reptiles are the animals that crawl on land.
Q4. Define Herbivorous animals?
A4. Animals that eat only plants and grass are called herbivorous animals.
Q5. Define Omnivorous animals?
A5. Animals that feed on both plants and other animals are called omnivorous animals.
Q6. What are the animals that eat flesh of other animals called?
A6. Carnivorous animals.  
Q7 Where do birds stay?
A7. Birds stay in a nest.
Q8. How many pairs of legs does an insect have?
A8. 3 pairs.

  *Rhymes – Repetition of all the rhymes.



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